Eltham & District Winemakers' Guild

The Guild, formed in 1969, is a non-for-profit association that is interested in all aspects of amateur wine making, wine education and wine appreciation.

The Guild is a non-for-profit association that is interested in all aspects of amateur wine making, wine education and wine appreciation.

Guild activities are focused on all aspects of winemaking, from growing grapes through learning how to judge wines. Many of our activities concentrate on non-grape or "country wines". Ever tried plum wine, peapod wine, parsley wine, mead and perhaps even grass clipping wine ? Or perhaps the speciality of one of our members - asparagus wine ? Yum (perhaps ?) ...

The Guild was formed in 1969 and has been operating ever since, albeit with somewhat fluctuating membership numbers over the years. The old timers often comment (in crotchety old voices) "Remember the days in 1975 when the whole Wine Show was held on a rickety trestle table out the back".

Fortunately, today membership is thriving with current numbers at over 50 members. But there's always room for more, so feel free to come along to one of our monthly meetings (last Friday of each month, 8 pm, Eltham Living & Learning Centre) or to our annual Wine Show to meet our members and enjoy sharing the experiences of amateur winemaking.
